Hi there I'm Christina. Do you need just a bit of help remembering what direction to go when you are dry brushing or doing self MLD? This is important, especially if you have had lymph nodes removed due to breast cancer surgery.
You are welcome to watch along with my videos for as long as you'd like. Once you get more comfortable and you don't need the video so much, it is helpful to have something to reference to now and then, and this Quick Guide is it!
Print off the Quick Guide and tape it where you usually do your self care; on your bathroom mirror or maybe your bedroom door. Follow the Quick Guide to be sure you are doing it correctly.
Not only will this PDF remind you of the steps, it will remind you to actually do your self care!! Life can be stressful, self care shouldn't be.
And that is my goal for you! To be consistent and confident with your self care, so you can feel your best.